
How to Wear the Aurora Dress- A Video Tutorial!
Sometimes it's just easier to watch someone else to see how things get put together! We've provided a tutorial video that gives you the easiest ways to pin the...
How to Wear the Aurora Dress- A Video Tutorial!
Sometimes it's just easier to watch someone else to see how things get put together! We've provided a tutorial video that gives you the easiest ways to pin the...

Creative Anachronisms are deeply embedded in Li...
Have you heard the rumors? This edition of Linengarb tunics have "creative anachronisms" of their own hidden in the embroidery, in celebration of our SCA 50th year anniversary! Some...
Creative Anachronisms are deeply embedded in Li...
Have you heard the rumors? This edition of Linengarb tunics have "creative anachronisms" of their own hidden in the embroidery, in celebration of our SCA 50th year anniversary! Some...
Back from Pennsic, full of new treasures!
Linengarb has been traveling to Pennsylvania for our annual Pennsic visit. We loved seeing all of you in person! Thanks especially for those of you that stopped by and told...
Back from Pennsic, full of new treasures!
Linengarb has been traveling to Pennsylvania for our annual Pennsic visit. We loved seeing all of you in person! Thanks especially for those of you that stopped by and told...
Off to War! Pennsic is on our horizon....
We are so very excited to be off to Pennsic! Packing, planning...pillaging: it's all in a good day's work! We will have Herringbone Rus pants AND Camp pants, as well...
Off to War! Pennsic is on our horizon....
We are so very excited to be off to Pennsic! Packing, planning...pillaging: it's all in a good day's work! We will have Herringbone Rus pants AND Camp pants, as well...
"Go-To" Tunics are Battle Ready!
Do people ever really fight or do re-enactments in Linengarb? You BET they do! Linen is fantastic when it comes to cool comfort because it breathes really well. We have...
"Go-To" Tunics are Battle Ready!
Do people ever really fight or do re-enactments in Linengarb? You BET they do! Linen is fantastic when it comes to cool comfort because it breathes really well. We have...
"How can I find Linengarb at an event?"
Linengarb is our traveling home too! We will be attending and merchanting at an SCA event called Gulf Wars in Lumberton, MS. You can find us by looking for the...
"How can I find Linengarb at an event?"
Linengarb is our traveling home too! We will be attending and merchanting at an SCA event called Gulf Wars in Lumberton, MS. You can find us by looking for the...