Back from Pennsic, full of new treasures!

Linengarb has been traveling to Pennsylvania for our annual Pennsic visit. We loved seeing all of you in person!  Thanks especially for those of you that stopped by and told us your stories or let us know how we are doing-

you are why we love providing garb!

If you ever get the chance to visit us live, come by any time to see the Coptic fragments we had encased in glass...just so you can pick it up, flip it over and see all the interesting tapestry weave and joints on the back. Ya, we are just that kind of textile geek... we have set off more than a few museum alarms in our day, trying in vain to see all the construction details. We travel with our bit of Coptic history to share with all you textile enthusiasts, without the alarms! So, on our horizon are more new things! There are a few Linen coats to be had, and more Herringbone Rus pants to dye in the near future. Most of all, there is the batch of Celebration Coptic Tunics that will be done in the next few weeks and we are very excited to put those online!  Not everyone gets to Pennsic, but everyone will have a chance to order the Celebration Coptic in all kinds of colors!
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