Linengarb is going to Gulf Wars!

To all our friends and Linengarb family, we can't wait to see you!
On site, look for our colorful merchant tent.  Now you can try on anything you wish in our dressing room, and take home the "On Site Only!" custom dye colors Gwynn makes just for war.  She's also been dip-dying colorful chiton dresses for the ladies and gentlemen to take home as booty.  (Plus, there is a rumor we will have a limited number of unique stripey pants only available at Gulf War.)
[caption id="attachment_126" align="alignnone" width="940"]We travel! You can find our tent at events...just look for the crazy colors and the flying Linengarb standards. We travel! You can find our tent at events...just look for the crazy colors and the flying Linengarb standards.[/caption]   
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